Learn to Access the Akashic Records, Upgrade Your Healing Ablilities and Master Your Intuitive Gifts
In this course, I will teach you how to tap into and channel information from the Akashic Records. You will be able to access your own records and the records of those who you have soul permission.
The Akashic Records contain all the information of the universe, what has already been brought to life and what has yet to be experienced. They also hold the Soulbooks of every individual being, containing their soul puropse for every life, all past and present manifestations and future probable outcomes based on their current energetic trajectory. Learn more about the Akashic Records here.
We will be working alongside the Archangels with an emphasis on Archangel Gabriel, Micheal, Raphael, Chamuel and Metatron. They will assist us in raising our awareness so that we can access the Akashic Records and other higher dimensions.
Because we will be working at the same level as these Archangles with the support of other Divine Guides and Ascended Masters we will be gifted with healing and other ascension upgrades. Every time you access the Records you will be showered in healing light!
As we work together, you will recive the right activations necessary for you to channel the information.
This Masterclass can be completed online and in person. The online version will be held in two separate 1.5-hour Zoom sessions. The in person training will be held in one day, for the full 3 hours.
When you are ready, you will be called to learn this at a soul level.
What’s Included?
Guided meditation and activation to grant you access to the Akashic Records
Grounding, meditation and channelling skill building
Angelic healing, upgrades and activations (Crown chakra, Third Eye, Throat and Heart)
Intuitive gift development
One-on-one discussion and support
Guided practice time
This Masterclass can also be split up into two 1.5 Hour training sessions if you’d prefer.
Ask about group pricing for 3 or more.*
3 Private Masterclass hours