My Reiki Lineage

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki · Tibetan Reiki · Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki

21 Powerful, Key Healing Symbols, Attunements, and Techniques

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The following outline certifies my direct Reiki Master lineage as it pertains to Dr. Mikao Usui and the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki system of natural healing.


My Reiki Lineage


Dr. Mikao Usui


Dr. Chujiro Hayashi


Hawayo Takata


Iris Ishikura


Arthur Robertson


Rick and Emma Ferguson


Lynne Jenkins


Marlene George


Barb Keshen


Karen Day · Vivian Osal · William Lee Rand


Adam Corrado



I have been trained and certified as a Reiki Master/Teacher in the Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho system of natural healing by both Vivian Osal and Karen Day.

I am able to teach both Usui Reiki and Tibetan Reiki.

I was also trained and certified by William Lee Rand as a Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher in Hana, Hawaii with the ability to also teach Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki.