Become one with your Divine expression. A tool for self-actualization and a stepping stone towards enlightenment.
What is an Axiatonal Alignment?
Archangel Metatron with Metatron’s Cube
An Axiatonal Alignment will bring you back in touch with your Divine essence. Axiatonal Alignment Therapy is more than a healing modality, it is an initiation into Divine awareness.
This three-part process merges your Higher Self (your truest expression) into your physical form here on Earth.
Everything in existence is made up of energy, and all of these parts which seem to be separate are actually very connected.
Our planet has a natural gridwork of energy that was put in place long ago. This energetic grid or web known as Axiatonal Lines, transfers energetic information between all expressions of life along with higher dimensional planes.
As we evolved in modern society, and our connection to the Divine became less apparent, our personal Axiatonal system became weaker or even nonexistent, as if we went “offline”.
This therapeutic process re-establishes our Divine energetic blueprint and brings us back “online”, reconnecting us to the Earth’s natural Axiatonal system, the energetic structures of the cosmos and higher dimensional planes.
Greater mental concentration, clarity and improved memory
Increased vibration, energy levels, healing time, motivation, intuition and other psychic senses
Merges you with your truth, Divinity and Higher Self expression
Great for energy healers, creatives, yogis, empaths and sensitives
Deeper meditative experiences, more vivid dreams and powerful spiritual activations
Increases feelings of peacefulness, compassion and relaxation
How it Works
By lightly touching on different energetic points or meridians of the body in a certain sequence, this three-part treatment aligns, activates, balances, and clears your entire energetic system.
The second part of the treatment balances your masculine and feminine energy, rooting you strongly to Mother Earth's energy below and Father Sun's energy above. This creates a profound sense of grounding and spiritual connection.
Lastly, more sacred geometry is activated within your energetic body, linking you to your own cosmic grace, Divine power and Higher Self expression.
Learn how to conduct Axiatonal Alignments on yourself and others
The Result
After a treatment, many people feel as though the weight of the world has been lifted off their shoulders bringing them a new sense of peacefulness.
Axiatonal Alignments are also great for releasing stubborn energetic blockages or negative mental patterning that have been holding us back for years.
They help to liberate us and allow us to perceive our reality from a more loving place from a higher, wiser perspective. Similar to feeling back online if that line was your energetic connection running straight from source, down through the centre of your being, into the core of Mother Earth, then back up again.
Sessions are always completed with Reiki for added balancing, grounding and healing benefits.
These sessions are offered at both 1-hour and 1.5-hour lengths, in person and virtually via Zoom.
Session Length and Pricing
1 Hour - CA$120.00
Preparing for an Axiatonal Alignment
During an Axiatonal Alignment, you will lay down comfortably, fully clothed on a massage table. Light clothing is recommended, shoes are removed during the treatment itself and a blanket is always offered to you for extra comfort. It is also recommended to allow an hour for digestion before a session as you will be laying down on a massage table.
As the resulted healing process occurs, many find old memories resurface as they are being asked to be reevaluated and released to love from your newly gained higher perspective.
Depending on the person, more rest is often needed for the changes and healing process to take place. Also, “ascension symptoms” may intensify for a short period of time due to the heightened energy within your body. It is recommended to drink extra water, nourish your body well and to get enough rest as your vibration increases and you begin to heal.
It is also recommended to receive an Axiataoal Alignment every 21 days or so. Although, is not always necessary to realign every 21 days as the positive effects and the energetic imprints of the sacred geometry from even the first treatment will be with you always.
*It is important to note that everybody experiences things differently. These are the most common effects and changes that others have noticed.