Consulting Cosmic Google. Ask away, the answer to any burning question under the sun is available to you here.
What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records are a higher dimensional plane that holds the blueprints and information of all life.
Akasha in Sanskrit translates to records and many see this place clairvoyantly as a huge library filled with books and Angelic healing energy.
Time is not liner on the higher planes. Every thought or physical manifestation brought into existence, every experience, past, present and future are recorded and stored here.
From here, I can pull on higher information and connect with Higher Light Beings, Guides, Angles, and Ascended Masters who wish to share important guidance and healing energy with you!
This can be especially helpful if you desire to take a look into some of your past lives or future probable outcomes based on your current life path and energetic trajectory.
All information shared is always revered with respect and is brought forth to help you in the best way possible on your life journey.
Cosmic Google
I lovingly refer to The Akashic Records as Cosmic Google because any and all information under the sun is contained and available to us here.
Ask away and receive clarification on any question you can think of. As long as it is in your best interest to know what is being shared with you and all intentions are pure and love-centred, your Guides and Angels will connect with us to offer their guidance.
It is also common to connect with your Star Family or place of origin (for those who resonate with being a Starseed) to get clear direction on topics like life purpose or why a certain life lesson has presented itself.
““My akashic record reading with Adam was an experience that I had never had before. Descriptors that come to mind are peaceful, enlightening, refocusing, and guiding. Adam has expertise in creating a safe space for you to lay back into and connect with your divine guides.
Messages that came through for me were validating, supportive, and yet also gently illuminating towards things I had to pay attention to on my own spiritual path.
I’ve also seen Adam for Reiki to help cleanse negative energy that doesn’t serve me on my path to my higher self, and I’ve been very happy with the results. A very zen, calming feeling that gives me inner strength, and a grounding to keep moving forward.
I am looking forward to my next session with him!”
Your Soul Book Reading
In a personal Soul Book Reading, I will act as a bridge connecting you with the knowledge, wisdom and information of your team in spirit, the Guides and Angels that I work with and the Akashic Records containing your personal Soul Book.
Our personal Soul Book containing all of our past and future lives and expereinces are stored in the Akashic Records.
This means that you can read your current Soul Contract for this life or tap into your past lives and future probably outcomes.
You will also receive energy healing from this session, as we connect with the higher dimensions and loving, Angelic support.
These sessions can also heal and clear karmic ties, generational traurma and unwanted habits/addictions.
Deep cellular healing occurs as eneretic bloacages held within our system quickly dissolve. (These bloackages can hold us back in this life too, creating emotional wieght and obstacles.)
If you would like to regress yourself, into a past life experience for healing we can do that also.
Your Spirit Team is always here to share their love and wisdom with you and is very excited to meet with you!
These sessions are offered in 1-hour or 1.5-hour lengths virtually via Zoom.
Session Lengths and Pricing
1 Hour - CA$120.00
1.5 Hours - CA$160.00